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“this is what sexual harassment by women looks like”? Is the DP going to write about it? Some thoughts on the OAX situation I think it's hilarious how the same people who would've been frothing at the mouths about boys rating girls with "shots" (even just for over the sexualization part, not to mention the equating of getting drunk and consenting to sex) either are ignoring the OAX incident or gave just a few tight-lipped comments OAX is a sorority, just off-campus (not part of the official 8 Panhellic sororities), and these slips are for fall rush events. They don’t require the same formal rush process as the other 8. Two common-sense solutions can help UPenn and the students prevent a campus outbreak: (1) daily updates of testing statistics and (2) more clear communication of policy.
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Some thoughts on the OAX situation I think it's hilarious how the same people who would've been frothing at the mouths about boys rating girls with "shots" (even just for over the sexualization part, not to mention the equating of getting drunk and consenting to sex) either are ignoring the OAX incident or gave just a few tight-lipped comments
OAX made a 24-page full color power point ranking APES based on appearance. Specifically the number of shots it’d take to hook up with each one, with comments. Are people going to cover campus with flyers saying “this is what equality looks like”?
University of Pennsylvania Career Services Blog Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Instagram YouTube Pinterest McNeil Building Suite 20 3718 Locust Walk Philadelphia,PA 19104 (215) 898-7531 careerservices@vpul.upenn.edu
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Whether you’re looking for next steps or new beginnings, View University of Pennsylvania rankings for 2021 and see where it ranks among top colleges in the U.S. Two hundred and seventy years ago this month, the first classes were held at what would become the University of Pennsylvania at 4th and Arch Streets in Philadelphia. In ensuing years, Penn would also be home to the first teaching hospital, medical school, law school, and collegiate school of business in the American colonies and the U.S. / University of Pennsylvania In an exclusive AMA for College Confidential, Mary Dell and Lisa from Grown and Flown , the #1 site for parents of teens, college students and young adults, will be answering questions about parenting teens through a global pandemic. I literally just left Penn after completing my undergrad. I will provide some personal observations and experiences, and I will leave them to you to decide whether or not they're downsides.
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2021 Pandemic Pedagogy Research Symposium . Submissions are being accepted for the Pandemic Pedagogy Research Symposium to be held online on Wednesday, May 5. The Symposium is designed for interactive presentations and discussions on emerging research related to teaching and learning during the pandemic. The cost varies, though a certificate is available for purchase in most courses. Some courses have a free or audit option that allows for full access to the course while others require enrollment in a certificate track for full access. Academic research is an integral part of the College curriculum.
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