Hype token výsadok
Binance sa chystá spustiť ďalší výsadok kvôli ohromnému záujmu o token BTT: Čo sa však v skutočnosti stalo, bolo to, že servery Binance Launchpad boli ohromené vysokým počtom objednávok. Našťastie pre nešťastných účastníkov predaja tokenov, ktorých objednávky sa nedostali, sa všetky ich žiadosti o objednávky zachovali.
It has five (5) keys features which make it supreme and … HYPE Token (HYPE) Token Tracker on Etherscan shows the price of the Token $0.0001, total supply 52,090,814.12610411592941261, number of holders 29,915 and updated information of the token. The token tracker page also shows the analytics and historical data. Aug 25, 2020 Detailed information and reviews about the Hype Token token. Whitepaper, team, website, code repo activity and social media presence. Read reviews and leave a review to help the community determine if Hype Token is a good project. Aug 02, 2020 HYTV token will be distributed in 2 rounds of free airdrops.
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Get some Hype Servers instead. Located in Ashburn, VA and awesome pings to footsites, etc. source. James @Prosafary.
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Aug 02, 2020 HYTV token will be distributed in 2 rounds of free airdrops. Distribution of Round 1 is over and HYTV token is freely airdropped to “number of people”. Distribution of Round 2 will start around December 03-04. To get latest information and to understand rules, join HYTV community Telegram.
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HYPE is an experimental ERC20 token deployed on the Ethereum Blockchain. HYPE is a unique token created to experiment the Deflationary (Token Burning) + Inflationary (Freezing Rewards) tokenomic models. HYPE holders determine the Burning + Staking rates each month through an off-chain consensus made by verified holders who have ‘frozen’ HYPE. What is HYPE Hype Token (HYPE) is currently ranked as the #3157 cryptocurrency by market cap.
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HYPE Token (HYPE) Token Tracker on Etherscan shows the price of the Token $0.0001, total supply 52,090,814.12610411592941261, number of holders 29,915 and updated information of the token. The token tracker page also shows the analytics and historical data. What is the best decentralized social media platform in cryptocurrency? Why is Hyprr being called the TikTok, Instagram AND YouTube killer of 2021??
2020-11-06T06:12:53Z Comment by TheDevoReco. This song creates Hype.
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Aug 25, 2020
2020-11-15T17:04:16Z Comment by ZergTheory. o_o . 2020-11-06T06:15:03Z Comment by ZergTheory ^_^ 2020-11-06T06:14:35Z Comment by ZergTheory /_/ 2020-11-06T06:14:22Z Comment by ZergTheory. o. 2020-11-06T06:12:53Z Comment by TheDevoReco. This song creates Hype.