Alan harold stark county auditor



23842 9125001 323156 1/5/2010 333.13 Apr 13, 2019 · CAAO president and Stark County auditor Alan Harold said the goal is to get auditors thinking about how they deliver real estate services to the taxpayer. "It's a way to make the process more efficient for the end-user and improve the working relationship across different city office-holders," Harold said. Stark County Auditor 110 Central Plaza South Suite 220 Canton, OH 44702 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (330) 451-7630 FAX Feb 07, 2012 · Last Monday Stark County Auditor Alan Harold astounded everybody at a weekly Stark County commissioner work session when he revealed that he had found "lost" money (i.e. overpaid/unclaimed property taxes and personal taxes) to the tune of $1.1 million that he was willing to certify to the commissioners as being available to allocate to the Stark County general fund departments of government Alan Harold, Stark County Auditor. Mission. The Stark County Auditor’s office is dedicated to providing efficient and courteous service to the public while ensuring the highest possible standards for accountability, accuracy, and attention to detail in support of Stark County’s financial systems.

Alan harold stark county auditor

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Tax Maps CF Back to Index CF_001.pdf CF_002.pdf CF_004.pdf CF_005.pdf ALAN HAROLD Stark County Auditor Homestead Exemption Department 110 Central Plaza South-Suite #220 If the applicant or the applicant’s spouse owns a second or vacation home, please provide the address and county below Address City State 2014/10/5 2010/11/7 2018/3/12 Stark County Auditor Alan Harold By cntyadmn on f,23 in Gov resources … Retrieve Doc23842 9125001 323156 1/5/2010 333.13. 23842 9125001 323156 1/5/2010 333.13. 23842 9125001 323156 1/5/2010 333.13. 23842 9125012 323156 1/5/2010 30. 23842 2014/1/8 2010/11/5 2012/2/7 2011/3/14 2010/10/17 Hamilton County Auditor Dusty Rhodes was honored by County Auditors as the 2019 recipient of the "Richard J. Makowski Award for the Outstanding County Auditor of the Year". The award was presented by Stark County Auditor Alan Harold, outgoing 2018/3/9 Alan Harold, Stark County Auditor (right) Last 2013 Meeting (left to right) Vickie Reed, Deputy Director Board of Elections Carol Ann Robb, Municipal Court Judge for District Court of Appeals Lynn Fairclough, Carroll County Auditor Candidate Jeff Mangun, Central Alan Harold, Stark County Auditor.

you'll need to call the Stark County Auditor's office at (330) 451-. 7357 or visit the “Tax Calculator” on their Web site: www.auditor. To answer 

Auditors' Association of Ohio (CAAO), at their  U.S.A. forms for Stark County Government.

Alan harold stark county auditor

May 19, 2020 · The Honorable Alan Harold Stark County Auditor Tuesday, May 19, 2020 Chairman Lang, Vice Chairman Plummer, Ranking Member Leland, and members of the Ohio House Criminal Justice Committee, my name is Alan Harold. I have served as the Stark County Auditor for over eight years and I am the past President of County Auditor’s Association of Ohio.

By cntyadmn on f,23 in Gov resources … Retrieve Doc 23842 9125001 323156 1/5/2010 333.13. 23842 9125001 323156 1/5/2010 333.13 Keep Alan Harold Auditor. 862 likes · 2 talking about this. Government Official Alan Harold was raised in Louisville and had public service as a calling from an early age.

The Honorable Alan Harold Stark County Auditor Tuesday, May 19, 2020 Chairman Lang, Vice Chairman Plummer, Ranking Member Leland, and members of the Ohio House Criminal Justice Committee, my name is Alan Harold. I have served as the Stark County Auditor for over eight years and I am the past President of County Auditor’s Association of Ohio. Whatever Alan Harold has done as Stark County auditor, Linda Litman says she can do it better. Harold, a Republican, seeks a third four-year term to the office.

862 likes · 2 talking about this. Government Official Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. Home → Stark County » Directory of County Auditors There are many ways to get the county auditor information.

Signature. Alan Harold, Stark County Auditor. Mission. The Stark County  About Alan Harold. Accountable.

Alan harold stark county auditor

Sincerely, Alan Harold Stark County Auditor Alan Harold Stark County Auditor Nov 06, 2018 · Stark County Auditor Alan Harold has a 3-peat in general elections. Voters on Tuesday returned the 43-year-old Republican to another four-year term, which would be his third straight November Mar 11, 2012 · Alan Harold, then a candidate for county auditor, pledged to institute new standards in the office, from conducting more extensive reviews of county accounts and ensuring compliance with state Nov 03, 2010 · Alan Harold has reclaimed the Stark County auditor’s office for the Republicans. Harold, who has never held public office, garnered 70,370 votes, according to unofficial election results. Oct 17, 2010 · Republican auditor candidate Alan Harold wants you to remember his opponent’s ties to the regime in charge of the Stark County Treasurer’s office when $2.96 million went missing from county Stark County » Directory of County Auditors. Auditor: Alan Harold Office 110 Central Plaza South Suite 220 Canton Ohio 44702 Monday – Friday, Stark County Auditor’s Office Please submit a letter of interest and resume to: In writing to: Stark County Auditor Alan Harold Attn: Angela Blakney, Executive Assistant 110 Central Plaza S, Suite 220 Canton, OH 44702 Electronically to: Inquiries to: (330) 451-7357 The Stark County Auditor’s Office is … Mar 14, 2011 · Stark County’s new auditor, Alan Harold, let go nine employees in the auditor’s office on Monday – his first official day on the job.

Accurate. Accessible. The above three words are what drive the work done by the Stark County Auditor's Office  6 Nov 2018 Share. Stark County Auditor Alan Harold has a 3-peat in general elections.

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Stark County Auditor Alan Harold 2016-2015 Tax Rate Comparison Analysis The following report is designed to show the comparison of the tax rates by property class and tax district at the levy distribution level. It is our sincere hope that the comparison of the current tax

Alan Harold, Stark County Auditor. Mission. The Stark County  About Alan Harold. Accountable.